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Getting Started

Create an adventure

To create a new adventure, simply go to the main the adventures list page and click on "Create a new adventure".

Empty adventure list

On the modal form, tap the Adventure's name and click Create.

new adventure form

Congrats you have created your first adventure!

Invite your teammates

An adventure without your teammates will not be fun. You could easily invite them by creating an invite link that you could send using your favorite message app.

To generate a invite link, create on the button Invite a folk then Create an invitation.

invite list

Fill the form to match your needs and click on "Create".

create invite

Click on Copy on send the link to your teammates.

4Honor by design, could be connected to a lot of tools. The link between 4honor and other tolls is called an integration.

To link an adventure to an integration, you should first add the integration to your account on 4Honor. Click on the menu icon (top-right of your browser).

user menu

Then click on Integration.

On this page, you should see every integrations you have added. If you want to add your first integration, this list could be empty. The process is the same for every integrations so, we'll take GitHub as the default integration to explain the process.

integrations list

Click on Add github repo then on the Github page of the application 4Honor click on Configure and select repository you want to link with 4Honor.

Linking a repository to 4Honor will not add it to any of your adventures at this point. This is only to make it available for 4Honor.

github authorization

Click on Install & Authorize and you should be redirected to 4honor.

Add an integration to your adventure

Now we have and adventure and we have linked our integration with 4Honor, it's time to add the integration to our adventure. First go to your adventure page (in my case, "My awesome adventure"). Click on the "cog" representing the adventure settings.

my adventure view

Select Repositories in the settings navbar.

adventure settings / Repositories

Select the repository you want to add and voila.

Now, some actions like "merging a PR" or "Approve a PR" will give experience points to teammates you had invited in your adventure.

here is an example of 4honor with some data:

4honor adventure